Recently, I was called upon to look after my precious grandchildren…from Saturday morning, up to and including getting them to school (on time) Monday morning - solo. Yikes! It was not only the children I was caring for, but the two dogs and two cats too. My husband was conveniently and otherwise occupied, and my son and daughter-in-law were in need of a well-deserved get-away.
Driving to Orillia, I already felt exhausted – the thought of being the sole care-giver for three busy children 8 ½, 7 and 5 ½, actually scared me to death. The last time I was called to do this, my husband and I worked together as a tag-team, when one began to falter, the other jumped in with renewed energy and enthusiasm. It seemed an impossible task for one aging grandma to handle on her own.
Do you ever feel God calling you to a task that is far beyond your capabilities? Why would God do such a thing? Isn’t it rather, that we feel it is beyond us, we’re sure it’s more than we can handle…and we know ourselves better than God does? I don’t know about you, but that kind of thinking trips me up every time. A lack of trust in God keeps us from accomplishing so many worthwhile endeavours. In our minds, we’ve already decided we can’t accomplish a particular task, we write off God’s opinion, shaking our heads sadly and walking away from what he’s calling us to do. What a waste of time, worry and mental energy. Here’s a tip: you can handle it. You would not be called to it otherwise.
My weekend with the grandkids was a blast. Afternoons at the park, Just Dance (a video game) kept us all hopping around the living room till bedtime one night, a nerf-darts war took us to bedtime the second night. We made popcorn, told stories, read stories and giggled a lot. “This will be our little secret,” Rowan said, when I let them have a bit more Halloween candy than was normally allowed.
If my weekend with the grandkids taught me anything, it’s that I worry too much and I should pay more attention to each call from God. We must move beyond our fears. The energy will come, the right words will be on our tongues. Advent is here. Take time to listen…what is God calling you to do? You can handle it.