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Teaching Thursdays

My latest brainchild - Teaching Thursdays. The idea is to offer an opportunity for ongoing Catechesis for the members of our parish. Thursday is also a special day, because it commemorates the institution of the priesthood, so what better day than Thursday for people to gather with their priests in order to discuss, study, and deepen their knowledge of the faith. I’m hoping that this will become an ongoing feature in our parish, so that there will be no need to advertise. In time everyone will know that on Thursday evening, after the 7pm Mass, there is a meeting of the family of God, with the priest. Depending on the turnout we may need a small committee to help with setup, treats, drinks, etc. But for now, we’ll just get started and see how it goes. The first meeting was on Thursday, January 30, at which I shared my experience from the pilgrimage to the Holy Land. This week we will begin the study of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and see how that goes. I’m always open to input about themes and topics that our people are interested in. I hope that our pa

rishioners will take advantage of these gatherings.

Catholic Young Adults of Owen Sound - is another initiative which is being born in our parish. The idea is to bring together young Catholics between the ages of 18-35 and create a place of support and learning of the riches of our faith, focusing specifically on topics that are of interest to young adults. We seem to have quite a few young teachers in our Catholic schools, so I’m hoping that this may be a good way for them to connect with others and find our church a great place to be. Catholic Young Adults will meet once a month, every 2nd Friday of the month, at 7pm in the parish hall of St. Mary’s Owen Sound. Our first meeting will be on February 14th (Valentine’s Day), and I will speak on the topic of love, romance, and intimacy from the Catholic Church’s perspective. Spread the word, and let’s pray for a good turnout. Fr. Wojtek

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