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Let Us Be Welcoming

With the beginning of the month of July we are officially entering into the cottage season, and since we live in cottage country this means more activity on our roads and in our towns. The next two months provide us with an opportunity to welcome many visitors to our area. I know that this may be a source of frustration sometimes, especially as we experience more cars on the roads and perhaps more aggressive driving from some who are in a hurry to get to their vacation destinations. This is our opportunity to bless people and not to curse them, to welcome them and to be understanding. Many people live very stressful lives, and some don’t have the benefit of faith to ground them and slow them down. As people of faith we can help by sharing the Good News of Jesus by who we are and by how we act. Let’s have an attitude that all are welcome here, and that we are happy to see them.

To all our students and teachers I want to express gratitude for your hard work this past school year. May you have a beautiful summer filled with rest and joy. Please remember to keep God in your summer activities, continue to pray, go to Church on Sundays, and find some time for holy entertainment (a good book about faith, a movie about the saints, etc.)

This past Monday my friend Roger and I travelled to St. Catharines to help Fr. James move to Mount Carmel retirement residence. Fr. James will be assisting the Carmelite Sisters who run the retirement home with chaplaincy work. I’m sure that we will see Fr. James from time to time, he is always welcome to come for a visit. This past Wednesday Fr. Greg Merkley moved into our parish. On behalf of all our parishioners I welcome Fr. Greg to our team and pray that he will be a blessing to us, and that we will be a blessing to him. Instead of telling you about Fr. Greg in this post, I will let Fr. Greg introduce himself to you by writing something for next week’s bulletin.

Our building project continues to move in the right direction. We now have the Building Permit and are preparing to begin construction. The challenge is in obtaining all the materials necessary, as COVID has slowed supply of certain building materials. I am optimistic that we will see the start of construction in the middle of July. Thank you all for your patience, support, and interest in this important project.

Fr. Wojtek Kuzma


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