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Living Water

I am continuing to write a message in the absence of Father Kuzma who will be returning home to Canada on April fool’s Day ... Snow storm? Fr. Francis’s hair style and no glasses make him look much younger . . . add ten years until retirement. May Our Lord, Our Lady and the saints help Fr. Kuzma, Fr. Francis, me and all parishioners needing Lenten graces.

On the Third Sunday of Lent, in Exodus where we hear that the people were running out of water and complained to Moses, who then complained to God who told him to strike the rock at Horeb. In Romans 5, Saint Paul’s deep faith in Jesus who died for sinners brings him peace, hope and love. Then we have the great encounter between the Samaritan woman and our Lord.

Why did our Lord approach a Samaritan woman and dialogue with her? Jews and Samaritans despised each other and avoided sharing religious and civil activities; yet the Lord showed her complete respect, offered her “living water”, revealed his knowledge of her having had multiple husbands and still did not condemn her as was expected from a Jew. Samaritans were not accepted by the Jews as equal to them as true children of the Father in Heaven; yet the Lord told her that the hour is coming when she and her people would be worshiping the Father in spirit and truth.

The Lord who ended up rejected and killed by Jewish religious leaders and who at that time had not yet revealed himself as the Messiah to his disciples felt comfortable to tell a humble Samaritan woman: “I am He, the One who is speaking to you.” She believed Him and her heartfelt witness helped to convince many of her Samaritan neighbours that Jesus is the Saviour of the world. How deep is your faith in Jesus Christ? Is He the Messiah, the Lord, the Saviour of the world to you? Do you tend to complain to God like his people did in the desert? Do you have the trust, confidence, courage, hope and love of Saint Paul?

Let us at least make ourselves available in prayer, solitude and silence, even for a short time each day so that the Lord may find us alone and speak to our hearts and minds. Talking to the Lord is easier than listening to Him. However sinful and unworthy we may be, the Lord is searching for us to instill in us a desire to know, love and serve God. Humble yourself before God, go to the Sacrament of Confession and seek a deeper personal encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. He came to save sinners. May God bless you always and Our Lady, Saint Joseph and the Saints and Angels help you be still and believe.

Fr. Luc (Retired Priest)


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St. Mary's and the Missions Parish

tel: 519-376-0778

554-15th Street East

Owen Sound, Ontario

N4K 1X3

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